She was miserable all day and slept a lot as long as she was being held. And on top of it all we are still waiting on teeth 7 and 8 to break through. Luckily she only threw up once more late at night and it was just a tiny bit. She did continue to nurse and seemed much better the next day. I felt so bad that she got this, just looking at her eyes you could tell she felt horrible. She never cried, just looked confused and spit a lot afterwards. And a huge THANK YOU to Meara for bringing me a coffee and a fabulous dinner. We are so blessed with great friends.
She is back to normal now and her eyes are happy and bright again. This was during her bath last night.

The count down to the River is now 51 days. But, it does look like there will be no need to live in the van. Aaron has been interviewing with a company in Suitland, Maryland. We most definitely will NOT be living there. I have been looking at surrounding areas outside the 495 belt. Very scary since I know nothing about those areas but am thankful for good friends offering help. Now if he can just go on terminal leave, otherwise he'll have to go out to sea until just before he retires, this would be very bad. Especially if he doesn't have a job. Go Navy!
Parker finally agreed to a hair cut. It looks really nice and it tamed his fro. Doesn't he look pleased to have his picture taken.
Well, I'm off to make dinner. Wahoo!
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