But, I must confess! I freak out a little. OK! Maybe a lot. There is so much to do and I can feel it pressing down on me like a vice! I try to be calm, it'll get done, if not, who cares? Me! That's who. I try to be funny, and calm, but it just doesn't always work. I just keep telling myself everything is going to be great!
Of course Piper was a stinker for parts of the day, her 8th tooth is almost in, and she has so much drool that she has discovered spitting! Thankfully Taylor came to help so I could get things done. She is really starting to go through some separation anxiety, she wants her Mommy or Daddy. Like, freak out if we leave the room, or she looses sight of us and it's freak out time.
Now for the fun stuff!
We celebrated Piper's Bee-day yesterday! It was so nice (and loud) to have my friends together one last time before we go. The kids all seemed to have a lot of fun and they sure made a mess. There were Goldfish and cheese everywhere. My socks were nasty at the end of the night. But it was so worth it!
I had a lot of fun decorating for Piper's party. I made
all the decorations, the cake and cupcakes.

Piper and the sweet Farrah playing and sharing their snacks! Luckily there were no kisses that turned to bites.
Just a quick nap during the party.
"What!?! I love these presents!"
"I hate this hat that Mommy made!"
Having fun after the party.
It was great to see everyone, thank you again for all the lovely gifts. We really missed seeing those who were sick or had sick little ones. I hope we get a chance to see everyone and say our good byes. I'm sure I'll bawl my eyes out!
I'll leave you with a few of the professional photo's my beautiful and talented friend Des'ola did for Pipers first birthday. If you are in Connecticut please check her out, she is amazing!
"I do not like crunchy grass!"
"I am not eating this cake!"
"I am just going to take a nap!"
I love this, behind the scenes trying to get her to
smash her cake. She wanted nothing to do with
it. Wouldn't touch it, taste it, nothing!
AWWW!!! Misty, you put on a great party! Even if it is for a one-year-old! Sorry about the cheese and goldfish, but we had a great time! AND, if you want, you can wait til you leave and cry on the road trip, just make Aaron drive.. :[ I prefer not to talk about you leaving...