Monday, May 21, 2012

It's Craptacular!

So you think you can paint? Paint? Paint? Paint?  (Sing to the theme song "So you think you can dance?")

The answer is no (and I can't sing either).

But, I do have fun messing around and thought I'd try it on my own since I had so much fun at the Drunken Pallet with Denise and Jori.  Here is what I've been working on the past few weeks.

The Sea Horse - Acrylics and Paper (had a hard time getting a 
good picture, it's showing up a bit darker than it actually is)

Home is your Anchor - Acrylics - Here is my inspiration piece
(AKA - Pinterest Hack)

Button Tree - Watercolors and buttons

The Sandra Lisa - Acrylics, Paper, Ink.  This is my first try
at photo transferring onto canvas.  (Actually the second done over 
the first after I painted over that area).  It is my beautiful sister-
in-law, and no, she isn't crap, but now her picture has become
a craptacular piece.  Sorry, Love You TONS!

Sorry so quick,  Aaron has the baby cause I said I'm making dinner.  SHHHHHHHHHH!

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